Monte Solaro

Monte Solaro

Things to do - general

Monte Solaro is the highest point on the island of Capri at 589 metres.

On reaching the summit, a spectacular panoramic view unfolds, extending across the whole island, the Gulf of Naples and Vesuvius, the Gulf of Salerno, the island of Ponza far out in the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Apennines forming the background on the opposite horizon.

The summit can be reached using the chairlift from Anacapri or, for the more adventurous, on foot, involving an hour-long scenic walk following a mule track. This second option takes you through woods with stunning views glimpsed between the trees, then past a wayside chapel or chiesetta and some ruins of fortifications built by the British in the early 19th century, and finally arrives at the chairlift terminus. Here are remains of a British fort built during the Napoleonic Wars to guard the approaches to the Gulf of Naples.

Unfortunately there are no tour offers at this location at the moment.